Poster analysis of The Green Hornet
This poster above, shows two men, who are obviously the main characters of this Action movie. It shows them dressed in black and have masks on their face which show that these faces are hidden and creates suspense for the audience. They also look quite suspicious as their clothes are dark in color and one of them is holding a gun in his hand, in fact, they look like criminals. There is also a green car behind them which seems to have green headlights which refers to the title of the film 'The Green Hornet'. This brings out the green and makes it stand out at the back. The green headlights emphasizes the two masked vigilantes in front of it, which also brings out the color Green in more detail.
The fact that '3D' is written just beneath the main title 'The Green Hornet' hints to the audience that they should watch this film in 3D as, the graphics used, perhaps would look better in that Dimension. This assures the audience that watching in 3D shows that it would be a very good, Action criminal film and so, it persuades the audience to go and watch it. When using the 'Z' reading, the first thing that audiences will read would be the name of the actors/actresses starring in the film. Then, by reading across, we can see the image of the two men, with the car behind them. This gives the audience the background of the film, by showing two suspicious men which indicates that this film is of an Action/Crime genre. Then finally, going across again, we can read 'The Green Hornet' title and we can see 3D, also the release date last. The way that this poster has been made, reflects on how audiences will look at this poster and so, will take in a bit of information on what the film is actually about.
At the top of this poster, there are names of the main actors, all of which are well- known like Cameron Diaz for example. The benefits of putting actors/actresses' names at the top of a poster is to assure that these specific actors are going to be in this film and so, it will get the audience more interested. At the bottom of the poster, there is the release date in Bold which makes it stand out and the audience would know exactly when the film was coming out in the cinemas. At the bottom, there are also faint colored credits which you can barely see, this shows that these credentials are not important in this poster and the rest of the additional information is important to the audience.