Thursday, 27 September 2012

News Values- Daily Mirror

News Values- Daily Mirror

 Daily Mirror Newspaper Front Page (UK) for 26 September 2012

This is the front cover of 'Daily Mirror'. On the front you can clearly see a nice big image of what the headline for that newspaper is. It is about the missing girl who ran away with her teacher to France. 

You can clearly tell that this is a negative headline and so results in the fact that negativity is involved in this newspaper. From looking at the front cover, I can also tell that this is a Proximity (Closeness to home) because, the main story is about someone who ran away to another country. This story is also quite current because it has been printed inside every newspaper- but each have their own stories inside. This is just another one of those newspapers who want people to read it, just because it has a big headline on the front cover. This story is not unique because in the UK there are many stories just like this nearly every other day.

This is not a new story because running away from home, being missing, or even kidnapped are very common in Britain. This is not a personal story because, it is not someone who is not famous and, the public eye has found out about this story. It is predictable to say that the girl herself chose tio runaway with her 'Maths teacher' which can be understood by the picture, because they were holding hands and walking around freely. This story was a big story but after a couple of days, the headlines of this story has worn down. This tells us that this story is still around but not as common as it was a few days earlier. Some newspapers still feel that this is the main headline of the day or the week, but others feel there are more important things to write about.

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